a story of living an obedient life, one step at a time

Hi, I'm Brianna.

God has me on a crazy journey, one I surrendered to long ago. I’ve always lived my life chasing those nudges. My intuition, which I now recognize as the Holy Spirit on fire within me. I always knew things would work out, no matter what situation I found myself in. Those around me often questioned my leaps, and I’m sure my mom would have rather I just lived a “safe” life. This blog is the story of living a life of obedience, even when we’re just given one step at a time.


My husband and I have known each other since we were 11, but we weren’t ready for each other until now. In the very cool way only God can orchestrate, we found what we’d been looking for was in front of us the whole time. We were married in September of 2016.


We have four kids in our crazy beautiful blended family. They range in age from 9 to 16, and though it’s been a chaotic, messy ride, we have found our way by God’s grace.


I can’t stop creating. Art, crafty things, writing, photography, it doesn’t matter. It fuels me and fills me. I have an arts ministry at Painted Prayers, Inc, and my husband and I share our projects at Grit and Grace Artistry on Facebook.


I battle chronic illness. I’ve been diagnosed with lupus (SLE) and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and a string of other issues that come along with those disorders. Our whole world right now is about adjusting to life with ongoing illness and finding a “new normal” for our family.



Her name is Hesed. She just turned a year old, and she’s trying my patience with every passing day. God was supposed to bring me a puppy that would make the perfect service dog -- at least, that was my prayer. And it all seemed so perfectly God-aligned. The breeders...

My Lupus Story

My Lupus Story

Have you ever come across a tangle of necklaces? Maybe you just shoved them in a drawer at one point, or packed several for a trip. Inevitably, when you pull them out, they’ve become so completely ensnarled that you can’t tell where one ends and the next...

Our weakness is required.

Our weakness is required.

I have been spending a lot of time in Scripture lately. I seem to be going back and forth between really good books (like Dance, Stand, Run by Jess Connelly and Through the Eyes of a Lion by Levi Lusko) and the Word to help me through this battle with pain...

I am tired.

I am tired.

I am tired. I am tired of being polite. Of holding back. Of containing. This constant containment is eating me alive. I feel trapped. Ready to burst out of my skin. My body is holding me hostage to this disease. My polite sensibilities are holding me...

Just one step…

Just one step…

Sometimes, it feels like too much. Too big. Too far. When we look at where we are, today, and try to see where we hope to end up. Or where God’s told us we’ll end up, for that matter. It can feel too big for us to bridge that gap on our own. The good news?...

The Loss of Adventure

The Loss of Adventure

Adventure has always been a core part of who I am. I’ve always been poor, so I’m not talking in the sense of grand trips and expensive excursions. Rather, I infused adventure into everything I did. It’s how I raised my girls. It was all about the everyday...

A Hundred Obedient Steps

A Hundred Obedient Steps

A hundred obedient steps. Help me take this one. I don’t know what exactly you want me to write. I don’t really know where this is going. But I know I’m supposed to write. So here I am. A hundred obedient steps. You’ve led me so far already, just one step...

Fasting from Guilt

Fasting from Guilt

I've been doing an incredible Bible study with a group of women I really cherish. It's been a slow, intentional study, giving us each a chance to really take our time exploring the spiritual disciplines. We move through two disciplines a month, which for...

Drop Me a Line

I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to shoot me an email with any questions or feedback.